Wednesday, 29 April 2015


     Enviromental issues faced by my country today is air pollution, water pollution, and soil contamination. Pollution contamination is divided into several types of pollution distinctive example is the air pollution is like emission, open burning, and industrial development activities and much more. For example is the water pollution is waste disposal, disposal of toxic waste and domestic waste. Example for soil contamination is deforestation, waste plastic waste and toxic and nuclear waste disposal. This pollution is pollution, pollution that is taking place in Malaysia due to the various parties and human nature itself. 

    Air pollution begins when income sulfur monoxide and carbon monoxide resulting from incomplete combustion. This process will result in fine particles suspended in the air and give side effects on human health. Most air pollution is vehicle exhausts, industrial areas that release smoke or pollutants. Smoke pollution occurs because each vehicle will be releasing fumes containing gas vehicles are dangerous. Next affect the human respiratory system. Human health can also be compromised because a vehicle containing smoke exhaust fumes of motor vehicles containing hazardous substances, such as loga lead (Pb) and carbon monoxide (CO). There is open burning, resulting soot particles flying into the distance by the wind has produced. Finally, the haze is happening around and affecting public health and reduce visibility. In addition, due to the construction and industrial activity, this has worsened the situation of air pollution in the world. Emissions of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide have led to side effects of the environment, while the dust that can cause shortness of breath to humans.

     Next is water pollution, water pollution is defined as any direct or indirect changes to physical properties, thermal, biological, radioactive or any part of the environment that release, issue, or put this waste to the detriment of its usefulness. Disposal of waste material such as garbage, oil and faeces are not controlled will lead to the properties of water change. The attitude of the population that often remove body waste materials disposal of livestock such as chickens, pigs, cattle and others into the river. In addition, domestic waste, especially the slum housing is often flowed into a nearby river. Which makes use of traditional toilet as a waste stream also contribute to water pollution. Last is toxic waste disposal, oil spills from oil tankers. Aquatic life will be threatened, the oil flowing into the sea due to the oil tank leaks will cover the water layer and cause marine pollution.




     Last but not least is soil contamination pollution, soil contamination can be defined as the act applies to an area that resulted in a change in color, fertility, and erosion. Indicating serious levels of contamination when soil fertility has lost its fertility. Fans uncontrolled rubbish is one of the causes of the pollution is caused. There are two methods commonly practiced waste disposal method of burial and burning. Disposal of synthetic materials that can not be broken down by microorganisms, such as plastic, glass, causing oxygen can not seep into the ground. In addition, the contamination of the soil is toxic and nuclear waste disposal. Loss of soil fertility would disrupt agricultural activities, particularly for farmers whose source of income as a result of such activities. The conservator of soil contamination is necessary immediately to avoid the risk of degradation of various aspects of the country.

     Conclusion is we need to avoid water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution in our country. Conservation of the environment is a shared responsibility. Each generation should participate so that sustainable development can be maintained and enjoyed until the next generation. In conclusion, we must realize the importance of preserving the natural environment that still exists today The pollution in our country it would give a very bad impression on our country and undermines our negative income from a variety of aspects of life.

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